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We intend the toolkit to be a living resource - as more resources become available, we'll add more guides.

How to use our toolkit
The toolkit can be downloaded as a whole document or as individual guide sheets which can be found below. This allows the toolkit to be adapted to fit your project and collaborator’s requirements and needs. Each guide has a list of useful resources and links for further reading.
Individual guide sheets
Download individual guides from the toolkit as and when you need them.
Quick Guides
Our Quick Guides provide you with tools and reference points for disability-inclusive practice.
Quick guides
- Disability history: The key turning points in disability and the history of our work. Size: 396.38 KB Type: application-pdf
- Disability etiquette: Dos and don’ts for conversations about disability. Size: 136.54 KB Type: application-pdf
- Terminology: Why using appropriate language is important. Size: 105.85 KB Type: application-pdf
- Accessibility: The meaning of accessibility and how to deliver it in practice. Size: 179.79 KB Type: application-pdf
- Meaningful engagement with OPDs: What is meaningful engagement with disabled people in our work? Size: 169.43 KB Type: application-pdf
Influencing Knowhow
Our Influencing Knowhow guides look at approaches and opportunities for disabled people’s participation in influencing activities
Influencing knowhow
- Guidance on approach: The main considerations when thinking about the context of the disability movement. Size: 71.75 KB Type: application-pdf
- Influencing cycle: An overview of the OPD entry points in the influencing process. Size: 98.78 KB Type: application-pdf
- Global platforms: Main considerations when thinking about OPDs in the international development context. Size: 1.3 MB Type: application-pdf
- Policy process and ways to include OPDs and people with disabilities. Size: 101.22 KB Type: application-pdf
- Campaign process and ways to include OPDs and people with disabilities. Size: 137.98 KB Type: application-pdf
- Public affairs process and ways to include OPDs and people with disabilities. Size: 128.96 KB Type: application-pdf
These are additional resources to support you to put the voice of disabled people at the front and centre of your work.